Why is Supreme so popular?

Supreme. One of the most popular brands in the world. However, why has this brand become so popular? Why do so many people want to own some of the apparel they sell? The simple answer is supply and demand. Supreme purposely drops a collection of limited items at certain times during the year. With only so many items in stock, and such a large demand for their products, no wonder the resale for their products is so high. 

By doing this, having a supreme product is more rare than having something from a generic brand like North Face. People in todays society want to stand out, which is a common trend in media. All of us want to be deemed as special, thus we do everything in our power to separate ourselves from the stereotype that is placed on us. With a brand like supreme, having one of their products sets you apart from the crowd and allows you to be "different."

Supreme has also become so popular because their pictures and ads target specific audiences. Something popular in todays society is editing your pictures so they look "old school." Supreme does this with virtually all of their ads, while also incorporating a variety of races wearing their product. By doing this, Supreme appeals to all different kinds of races and also to the younger portion of our society by adapting their ads to specific trends. 

Not only does this brand incorporate different kinds of races in their advertisements, but they also collaborate with different brands and artists to appeal to even more people than they already do. This appeals especially to younger kids. If they see their sports hero or favorite artist wearing supreme, it is likely that they will want to do the same. 

Supreme has become such a popular brand not only because they only release a limited amount of products even though there is a large demand for them, but also because their products appeal to so many different kind of people. It honestly doesn't matter what the clothes look like, as long as the brand keeps getting celebrities to wear their products, people will buy the apparel. Media has played a very important role in the success of this company 


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