How Youtube has taken over my life

Youtube is a way for me to escape from reality. With the suggested bar constantly attracting me with new videos I always find a way to stay on Youtube till 12am. But what's the attraction to Youtube? Why do I spend so much time on it? I think it's because Youtube has so many videos that it's easy to find a video you're interested in, and from there you just keep looking more and more.
Media in general can take over your entire life but I think Youtube is the most addictive. Youtube can be used for everything which is why it is so convenient. Now, instead of learning how to tie a tie from an adult, you can just look it up on Youtube. When you want to learn how to three star a base on Clash of Clans you can just look it up on Youtube. Youtube has endless potential when you think about how much it can help people. For me it's helped me with studying for tests and acted as a personal tutor. But it's also kept me up passed 12am watching videos.
Youtube draws you in and uses the information from the videos you've already watched and creates a "suggested tab" which automatically autoplays for you after the video you are watching is over. They use the Guerrilla Marketing technique where you are just bombarded with information that you simply can't ignore it. While Youtube has it's benefits and disadvantages, I can say that it has completely taken over my life. A solution to this is maybe not go on your phone so much. Just a suggestion though. ;)
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