Music Today: The Messages Being Conveyed Good/Bad (mostly bad)

When thinking about the most common form of media I think that music can be the most influential, especially towards pre teens and teenagers. Speaking from experience, most people don't really listen to music for the lyrics or the message it is conveying, but just for how it sounds. A lot of the time, kids don't realize what the artists are saying in their song. 

Take today's pop music for example. Most of the time, lyrics are talking about sex or drugs. This  message that is being conveyed towards children without them even knowing is harmful. Take a 10 year old boy for example that listens to rap in today's society. The lyrics are objectifying women, so this may lead him to think that women are just objects. This obviously doesn't happen to everyone, I'm just merely pointing out that things like this could happen.

With lyrics that talk about drugs, to someone 12 years old, this may rationalize the use of drugs.
Artists today may not realize this, but their audiences follow what they do and what their lyrics talk about. They have a major influence over the people that listen to their music. 

For me, I listen to music all the time, whether I'm just bored, running, walking in between classes, or even riding my bike. With so much time spent in my day listening to music, the lyrics that I listen to have a dramatic effect on the way I see the world. 

Media comes in many different forms, but I think the most influential form is in music because we listen to music so often, that the messages being portrayed are in our minds all the time, especially if the song is catchy. Music is also everywhere we go. In the car, in videos online, even at school on our loudspeaker, you can't escape not listening to music, thus you can't escape the different messages that different artists portray through their songs. 

In conclusion, a common theme that I say throughout all of my media blogs is that media is everywhere we go. Everywhere we look or hear, media is around us. This applies to music in the sense that music is everywhere. The songs that are popular today, are spreading the same messages throughout all of our minds. Some of these messages are good, others aren't. 


  1. I definitely agree with your take on the effect music has on people, especially on younger audiences. I remember all the lyrics to the songs I have grown up listening too, so it is obvious that they have made an impression on me. There are very few artists nowadays who really make the purpose of their songs sending out good messages, and common themes of sex, drugs, and unhealthy habits are glorified more now than ever. While these kinds of songs are more popular and entertaining than some of the more meaningful songs, I think it gives people the wrong ideas and or morals.


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