Clash of Clans Update!

Image result for clash of clans gold pass
As many of you know I am a big fan of the game Clash of Clans. It seems like wherever I go whether it be during free time in class, in the hallway, or just when I'm bored I'm playing Clash of Clans. This is a strategy attacking game that takes a lot of time and is incredibly addicting. I have been playing this game on and off since 6th grade and I realize that I get very little done when my mind is on the game.

But how does this incredibly addicting game connect to media? Over the past three months the game has gone through many updates, mainly to gain the attention of many people who simply got tired of playing. Using techniques seen in other games like the popular game Fortnite, players must complete changes in a gold pass similar to the battle pass seen in Fortnite to earn certain rewards. What is the draw of this "gold pass." Putting it simply, the more achievements you do, the more rewards you get, and especially in a game like clash of clans, it means a lot to get rewards such as potions. Something that Supercell, the company that owns Clash of Clans has done recently is make commercials for the new updates. I have been playing Clash of Clans for some time, and I have never seen a commercial for the game before the last two weeks. Because of these commercials, many people have started playing again as it is apparent even at McClatchy.
Supercell making commercials for the new updates connects to media because this shows how much media can change someone's outlook at different things. Because these commercials were viewed, people don't think Clash of Clans is so boring anymore and more people will play as a result of that. This company made a smart decision to use media to their advantage, because now that word has gotten out about the new updates, many more people are playing this game than before.


  1. I definitely agree with your standpoint on social media and that there are certainly some positive aspects associated with its use. First, I think it's amazing that you got to meet these talented runners and take pictures with them. Media definitely allows these kind of experiences to happen and connects us with people we would have no personal connection with otherwise. I've also been able to get into the lives of many different runners and see pictures of their family, workouts, etc. Media definitely allow for some very positive experiences that wouldn't happen otherwise and, in my opinion, it's how we use the media ourselves, not how good or bad the media itself is. If used in a healthy manner like the way you did, media can actually be very beneficial to our lives.


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