Sri Lanka: Terrorist Bombing

In the tragic recent terrorist bombing in Sri Lanka I sought out one source more skewed to the left (The Los Angeles Times), and another more skewed to the right (Fox News). The responses to this event were very different in approach.

Beginning LA Times is pathos with the story of child which gives a description of the event from someone at the scene. It also describes the mourning process and the white and grief associated with it. An example of political speech is “gravest crisis since the end of a brutal civil war a decade ago.” Another example is “at least” … we’re killed etc; the writer wants to show severity instead of saying around or about say at least. It also uses lots of numbers gives people sense of how serious and puts an image which can be seen as logos. There are lots of personal stories about people and how it affected them which gives the article authenticity. It also says Islamists are suspected but not proven which doesn't directly blame a certain group of people, but instead states the facts.

The Fox article starts with the first sentence militant Islamist terrorists caused it which immediately puts blame on a certain group without any evidence. It says key to horror connects to the US, so brings it back to themselves. The article also uses very light words with no numbers or facts on the event to back up any of their opinions. It is more like an editorial rather than a news reports that states the facts.

In the end I found that the article skewed towards the left gave facts to back up their evidence which was more effective in conveying the event that happened.


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